The group exhibition KÅT A4 was presented at Galleri Box where we as curators, Pär Darell and Josefina Posch, invited half of the artists each, without discussing our choices with each other. The artists we invited were asked to create a piece that would fit on a standard 80 g A4 paper and related to the Swedish word kåt which means horny in English. As long as the artists followed these two guidelines they were free to create and show whatever they wanted. The theme word horny was chosen because of its straightforward, universal sexual nature. In collaboration with the premiere Swedish art magazine: Paletten, there was reproductions of all the works from the exhibition randomly inserted in 2000 copies of their fall issue with an accompanying release party at the gallery. Participating artists:
Anna Gustavsson (SE),
Anna Strand (SE),
Annika von Hausswolff (SE),
Chris Magnusson (SE),
Christoph Schwarz (AT),
Clement Bagot (FR),
Elena Bajo (ES),
Emma Danielsson (SE),
Erik Berglin (SE),
G=T=B=R=G (SE),
Guerrilla Girls (US)
Holly Stevenson (US),
Htein Lin (NM)
Hu Yun (CN),
Inger Woldin Lund (SE),
Jerry Ropson (US),
Jin Shan (CN),
Josef Bull (SE),
Kamila Szejnoch (PL),
Kristin Westmar (SE),
Kristina Sigunsdotter (SE),
Lea Porsager (DK),
Lisa Blatt (US),
Lu Pingyuan (CN),
Martin Dahlqvist (SE),
Matteo Rosa (IT),
Michael Portnoy (US),
Oskar Ponnert (SE),
Pär Hansson(SE),
Sandra Bermudez (CO),
Sara Granér (SE),
Sara Sandström (SE),
Shi Young (CN),
Sophy Naess (US),
Spencer Tunick (US),
Stella Geppert (DE),
Therese Sunngren, (FI),
Ryan Thayer (US)